Brand summary report

Problem Statement

The existing summary page was a static list of updates that didn't allow the user to easily identify the latest changes to their metrics, and they didn't understand how to use the information.

Customer Insights and Ideation

For this project, I interviewed users to see how they were using the existing summary page, and to better understand where it was lacking. I learned many users weren't sure how to get actionable insights out of the Venuelabs product and wanted a feature that would allow them to compare different stores to each other to better understand how they were performing. When implementing the comparison feature, we decided to provide a store average and benchmarking numbers, so individual store managers could see how they performed compared to the brand overall and to their industry. 


The comparison and date range controls sit at the top of the page and follow the user as they scroll, so they can always pivot to compare different locations or change the timeframe.  The updated version also gives the user an overview of their key metrics at the top, in a simple, and easy-to-navigate layout. As the user scrolls down the page, they can drill down into the information and flip through a simple slideshow to get the key points. Information is displayed on a map, trends are shown in a line graph, and top performing social channels and locations are displayed in bar charts. After launching the new design we heard from our users that they loved being able to compare themselves to industry benchmarks, and to other stores and they felt it gave them a more complete picture of where they were in the marketplace.